29 September 2005

Last Time

How often do you see someone for the last time without knowing that. Every day of course, from all those unknown people that cross your life (or your street). But from those you care... Sometimes there are those good-bye parties but now days you always have the hope that you will see each other again, or call or at least send an e-mail. But you don't get the perception of saying a permanent good bye to nearly no one.

Even though I knew my good girl friend's father was old (above 80 I think) and had had some health problems I didn't think twice when I said good bye to them 5 weeks ago in Mexico. I was happy to see him and he seemed rather happy and proud of his daughter and my friend's son Omar. We took some photo's, with Nina my friend, her father and me next to the painting I was working on and I left like two hours after to The Netherlands. Yesterday through the bad news on her e-mail, I realized that that moment was the last good bye and that I didn't know then. But the truth is that we probably never know because we don't want to know when it is a last good bye. Good bye Marcel!

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