21 September 2010

A painting of the painting?

Amir Tirandaz. 'A la' Luc Tuymans?

De Nieuwe Academie DNA 2008-2010
until 4 October 2010
Gemak, The Hague

An exhibition of students that recently finished the post academic deparment of the Free Academy (Vrije Academie) in The Hague.

Artists: Klaas Bijl, Mil Ceulemans, Laura van Eeden, Diederick van Hees, Terrence Lettiche, Robbert Pauwels, Obbe Tiddens, Amir Tirandaz, Tjeerd Vrielink, Lenny Waasdorp, Lars Weller, Vera Witleer.

Curator: Fred Wagemans.

Obbe Tiddens. Maybe time to make a painting of the painting with this surrounding?

Lenny Waasdorp, big "Polaroids". A fort? It makes me question what is this? and why?

Mil Ceulemans

Mil Ceulemans. I think I've heard of this painter before, and I am glad I saw the real paintings.

I couldn't find the name of the artist. There was some construction at the back of the gallery and this work and the building site kind melted together. In a good sense.

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