31 January 2011

Surrealist as Mexico

The kidnappers' photo published one month after El Jefe was released.

Diego Fernandez de Cevallos "El Jefe" by Marisa Polin

One step further in the absurd irony of what happened and not happened to El Jefe Diego Fernandez de Cevallos.
His supposedly captors "Los Misteriosos Desaparecedores" just sent a new letter with this phtotograph to Navegaciones.
Here you see El Jefe already thinner and with a longer beard holding Proceso magazine with my painting based on a previously released click by the kidnappers holding a Proceso magazine with the cover of a free El Jefe as proof of being alive after his disappearance. 
It is so absurd that it is easy to think that it is made with photoshop, I first thought so, but now I know is not.

The cover of "El Jefe" with Marisa Polin's painting.

The photo sent by the kidnappers.
The cover from Proceso he is holding on the shot in captivity.
Photoshop: The parody.
Photoshop parody Endless El Jefe
Photoshop: Navidad

1 comment:

Ricardo Marin said...

pues entonces que es en reqlidad lo que paso?

Lo mjeor de lo mejor tu pintura en la portada de Proceso, sensacional.