Het werk van Tinkebell vind ik zo heftig. Ik weet niet wat ik daar van moet denken. Zo gruwelijk, maar ik begrijp ook wel weer waarom ze het doet. In elk geval is er veel discussie omtrent haar werk. En dat is goed, denk ik. Bijzonder dat je dit plaatst.
Thanks for your comment. Tinkerbell places many questions to our everyday behavior. Also on the edge of what can be accepted by the communities or not. Humans kill animals and eat their parts and use their parts to make from clothes to about anything. Where is the moral border? She has raised many questions on her own and it us up to the society to respond to them. Regards,
I'm sorry, I didn't comment in English. You're absolutely right about Tinkebell. Society has responded a lot to her work, because it's rather difficult to understand. People do not see the irony because of the way she presents her work. She plays her role perfectly, a total concept, and that makes it hard for people to see what's real or not.
Het werk van Tinkebell vind ik zo heftig. Ik weet niet wat ik daar van moet denken. Zo gruwelijk, maar ik begrijp ook wel weer waarom ze het doet. In elk geval is er veel discussie omtrent haar werk. En dat is goed, denk ik.
Bijzonder dat je dit plaatst.
Thanks for your comment. Tinkerbell places many questions to our everyday behavior. Also on the edge of what can be accepted by the communities or not. Humans kill animals and eat their parts and use their parts to make from clothes to about anything. Where is the moral border?
She has raised many questions on her own and it us up to the society to respond to them.
I'm sorry, I didn't comment in English. You're absolutely right about Tinkebell. Society has responded a lot to her work, because it's rather difficult to understand. People do not see the irony because of the way she presents her work. She plays her role perfectly, a total concept, and that makes it hard for people to see what's real or not.
Thanks for joining my blog!
It is probably too easy to moralize.
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