06 August 2010

Soulages's black.

I don't know if it the museum of Mexico City spent a lot of money on advertisement together with the renovation of the museum itself (which is by the way one of the oldest houses in the city), or is one of the best exhibitions in Mexico City now but it seems that everybody knows about the exhibition of the French, all black paintings', artist Pierre Soulages at the Museo de la Ciudad de Mexico.

When I was there there was a lot of public and it seemed they were enjoying it fully in some kind of religiously way. The work was curated perfectly, fitting the very old and large white walls of the building originally known as Palacio de los Condes de Santiago de Calimaya.

I can not show you how well it was hanging as it was strictly prohibited to take pictures. Am I going to steel his black?

The second patio.

The main patio during a concert.
There were other exhibitions like Drawn, with 'street' drawing.

and the museum's collection with nostalgic images of the city with its old channels and no high buildings:

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