14 January 2009

A conversation on landscapes

Landscape interventions, and the state of the art
A conversation among artists and you

Since its inception in the 20th century Landscape occupied the attention of the avant garde. Cezanne and the Cubists were enthralled by the discoveries on the new ways of seeing nature and understanding the mind-eye relation. Again today artists find the horizon line as the boundary where everything converges, from technological developments (such as the TomTom) to Zen philosophy, combined with Western concerns about the environment, to the theatrical possibilities offered by staged photography and aerial images. Landscape is invention.

The exhibition Landscape interventions presents the work of seven artists* working in Mexico City, all of who advance new perspectives on a five century old genre: Landscape. The exhibition is conveniently presented in the former house of one of The Netherlands outstanding masters painters: Hendrik Willem Mesdag, member of the Hague School.
A discussion about Landscape
in the new and traditional media, painting and photography will round up the exhibition.
Jose Manuel Springer talks with
Alejandro Pintado, curator of the exhibition,
guests artists Marisa Polin and Eelco van der Lingen.
will participate in the event on
Tuesday, January 20th, at 7.30 pm.

Arte sin Limites Foundation
Ana Paulownastraat 71, 2518 BC Den Haag.
Free admission. R.S.V.P.

*Exhibiting Artists:
Alejandro Pintado | Adela Goldberg | Patrick Petterson (image) | Daniel Alcalá | Pablo Lopez | Anibal Catalán

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