06 March 2008

Open to the world identities.

l LisaMac r iJustine
Some people are worried about the video cameras on every corner, leaking of personal information by governments, people knowing to much of your personal info, children letting know to much about themselves on Internet, etc.
There are others that all they want is that their total life is open to the whole world, as big as it can. I jumped into two of them who are very very keen on achieving this. One is Lisa McMillan from Canada, whose life is an open book and the other one is iJustine from the USA. When I found iJustine (I am the Internet) I had already named one of my blogs iPolink (some kind of iThink). While LisaMac claims to be the most stalked person on internet and she has carefully detailed claimID. My Polinkmaster is nothing else but a stone age claimID site. It is fun to see how even on this apparently alike goal there are common denominators but a very different way to achieve it.
I am still faithful to my old blogger...

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