05 February 2008

Simil and Carnival.

I had been working again further on the project Simil. I am making a new version of the book enriched with recent photographs. The project makes more sense now that I have around 220 images on it. Here I am placing one that goes well with the carnival period.

Surprisingly I took this photo in Delft NL two years ago which is not a Carnival town. Also like 10 years ago Hans and I were invited to crown one of the carnival princes in the south of The Netherlands. That was quite interesting, but I felt it more like an unique experience and also as some kind of anthropological study. So strange it was for me. I enjoyed it but I did not feel it, it was in my eyes so artificial.
Twenty years ago I was asked to make some silk screen prints with the theme of carnival by a print association in Notting Hill, London. First, I had just arrived to the city, so I had never -not even now- experienced their local carnival or new about how big it was. Second, coming from Mexico City I had never lived a carnival, actually I didn't even know their religious context. I knew a bit of the "ugly king" of Veracruz's Carnival and had only vague images of the one in Rio de Janeiro. Then I thought of the Venice Carnival as beautiful and charming, but since long ago I think of it as kitsch re-creation. I had been once in New Orleans and then I wondered about Mardi Grass and I wished I could experience it.
Carnival is not for me, I know. Every year as I see on the German television their Carnival parties it seems so far away. Their jokes and costumes seemed so out of place. I recently read Kluun's book where he describes the enjoyment of carnival and for the first time I understand it a little bit.
Any way, I made the silk screen print, about nothing that had a connection with the carnival, no one told me I was wrong, I didn't get informed either. So every year as the time of carnival comes I think of that moment of my life when I did things without any knowledge and no one corrected me. Maybe it seem to the others I was so sure of what I was doing. Any way I see it as a sign of my age to act like that then and to tell you the story now.

The other three photographs were taken in Tokyo, also a part of the book Simil and nothing to do with carnival.
All my regards,

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